
Madhubani Painting September

Class Teacher: Smita Srivastava

Class Level: Beginner


About the class

This Class focuses on Madhubani Painting or Mithila Painting, a traditional Indian art form 

Age Group

Group class designed for individuals aged 10 and above

Medium of Instruction


Class timings

Three days in a week

Class Start date

From May 2023

Class curriculum

Required materials:

Poster colors, drawing sheets, pens, notebooks, pencils, erasers, fountain pens or dip pens and waterproof ink

What will you learn

  • Learn about the history and traditions of Madhubani painting
  • Gain knowledge about the color theory and natural colors associated with Madhubani
  • Discover the meaning and significance of motifs used in Madhubani
  • Learn about tools and techniques required for creating Madhubani paintings
  • Explore five different styles of Madhubani painting: Bharni, Katchni, Kohbar, Godna, and Tantrik
  • Practice drawing motifs and borders
  • Work on both paper and cloth
  • Gain practical skills in creating Madhubani paintings
  • Develop an appreciation for the rich culture and heritage associated with Madhubani artform


Class duration: 40 minutes

Class type: group

Demo class - Demo class can be arranged for interested participants.Kindly message me for demo class.

You can message me to discuss about scheduling classes at a particular time.

  • Non-recurring payment
  • Flexible classes
  • Free cancellations *
Smita Srivastava
(0 reviews across 4 classes)

Hello ! I am Smita Srivastava. I am an artist. I have worked with various art forms in different mediums(acrylic, oil, watercolour, charcoal, graphite, soft pastels) as portraits, landscape, sketc ... Read More