Our story
Our story goes like….There lives a bunch of travel enthusiasts who travel the world and believe in the quote by Dalai Lama. “Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before.” Experiences gives us lasting joy, material things do not. We have travelled to see the aurora borealis on one side of the world and travelled into the oceans on the other side in Bali to see the beautiful sea life. The rich and beautiful culture around the globe has inspired us to create and enable a global learning and sharing platform by unshackling the mental and physical boundaries of space, time, age, culture, gender or geography. It is for people to pursue or share their cherished/unique hobbies (Popular and in-demand specialties/skill/art/hobby of countries or regions with global relevance) across the globe.
In Mark Twain’s words, Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. And the story continues...
We enable people pursue or share their cherished/unique hobbies by unshackling the mental and physical boundaries of space, time, age, culture, gender or geography. Our mission is to bring back the fun element in all hobbies. We intend to bring popular hobbies from around the world to a single global platform for easier access to everyone. We want to become ‘the’ platform for everyone who wants to enjoy a new hobby, by connecting them to a specialist from our panel of experts.